Now a days, have taken various initiatives to fashion, to give a face much greener. These steps have revolutionized the use of more natural fibers like jute. Also known as the golden fiber, jute is the fashionable slogan. According to the UN General Assembly will be held in 2009 as the International Year of Natural Fibres. Some of the world jute recognized organizations such as: have the international body of raw materials and the International Jute Study Group, which represent the programsdifferent applications and development of jute. Despite the fact that jute is one of the most versatile materials and less expensive natural, has been neglected in most fashion trends. There may be many reasons for that display both the authorities and the indifference of many of the common consumers of fashion goods, etc.
In the past, missing face in the field of technological progress in the installation of machines run better and the scarcity of funds. After 1950, not innovationmachines have been noted. Along with this, the machines were installed in this period are used in many parts of South Asian countries today.
During the 90 years to see the jute industry has high development costs, as other world organizations have started offering money, technology and research-based help. The largest owners are the countries of South Asia and most of the aid has spent on the purchase of machinery for spinning jute.
In the nextTime has seen the production of jute fashion to double. The prospective market trends in jute are very light and cheap. Jute is a very friendly and lively color makes fiber. The fashionable clothing and other goods of jute are sufficient to excite and attract every nerd.
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